Sunday, February 20, 2011

Orang Asli carvings @ Museum Negara 19Feb2011

We had gone to the national museum in search for a book on forts in Malaysia and were told that books published by the museum is sold in the museum's library that opens from Mondays to Fridays from 9am to 5pm.

Walking back to the carpark we passed a stall selling Orang Asli crafts. The boys had a go at the wooden rattle and a few musical instruments.

Fai said that he wanted to look at the Orang Asli wood carvings, so we took him to the Galeri Seni Kraf Orang Asli located by the car park. Entrance is free.
He said he likes the stories behind each sculpture. The carving that he is looking at is that of the Tiger Spirit. There were not many tales depicted with each sculpture as compared to the Orang Asli Museum in Gombak, so I am planning another trip to the museum in Gombak soon.

I pointed out to him that most of the carvings were from the Meh Meri tribe in Pulau Carey and asked if he wanted to visit the place.

The right most statue is an example of the carvings done by the Meh Meri tribe, the other 4 are from the Jahut tribe.

Wooden masks by the Meh Meri tribe

Ari Moyang or Ancestor's Day seems interesting but the boys were spooked by the haunting music that was played in the galery, so I will have to give the event a miss.

Fai and Han came running, eager to show Ean and I this sculpture.

Bamboo coffin.
The place was empty and in the background chanting and haunting music was being played. The boys ran out in terror.

JY stayed home to make her birthday mask.
I was sent on an errand to get her feathers and more beads and gems.

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